Shinhung Global Co., Ltd. taking on challenges to achieve a dream Good People, Good Company


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Shinhung Global Co., Ltd.,
fulfilling transparent and honest management

Achieve transparent and honest management.
Transparency and reliability are the important standards of firm rating.

What is ethical management?

It means the corporate activity to fulfill ethical and social responsibilities
as well as economic and legal responsibilities in order to
gain stakeholders’ trust by managing the business in a transparent and
fairway in the course of pursuing corporate profits as an ultimate goal.

Why do declare their ethical management?

That is because ethical management is not optional,
but is an essential factor to survive and secure competitiveness in the 21st century.
Many firms, which had been ranked in the top 100 places of global enterprises by the Fortunes,
were kicked out of the ranking because they failed to fulfill ethical management.
As a result, their executives and employees left their companies.
On contrary, many firms in a crisis came to revive by fulfilling their ethical management.
Consumers’ good rating can lead to a continuous rise in firm value.

The way to become customers’ reliable firms, to become executives and employees’
good-to-work firms, and to become the public’s respectable firms Is to fulfill ethical management.

Rules of ethical management

Responsibility and obligation for customers
  • Believe that customers are the true business foundation
  • Respect customers’ opinions always and create and offer the value helpful to customers constantly
  • Secure customers’ unconditional trust

Fair competition
  • Comply with regulations in global regions where business activities occur
  • Have a competitive edge in a fair way

Fair trading
  • Follow the principle of free competition in the guaranteed condition where an equal participation opportunity is given to all transactions
  • Establish mutual trust and cooperation through transparent and fair trading and pursue the common development

Basic ethics of executives and employees
  • Establish right values with the belief of honest and fairness
  • Accomplish missions through ceaseless self-development and fair job performance
  • Avoid any act of conflict between the company and individuals

Responsibility for the country and society
  • Grow to a sound enterprise through reasonable business

Our pledge based on the declaration of ethical management

In order to join actively fulfillment of ethical management on the basis of honesty, fairness,
and sincerity to settle the ethical management culture at work and
in everyday life, we pledge to follow each one of the following:

  • We take leadership of settling ethical management culture through the encouragement of ethical consciousness and compliance with ethical rules.
  • We respect customers’ opinions as most as possible and make sure to keep promises to customers
  • We develop a win-win growth relationship by keeping fair transactions with partner firms.
  • We never manipulate documents and counts and make reports fairly.
  • We establish the basic order and develop employees’ ethical consciousness of ethics into one of the foundations for our corporate culture.
  • We keep a steady effort to live up to the image of Shinhung through the ceaseless development of ourselves.